CKM Policies

Dear Team Member,

On this page you will find any and all current adopted CKM Policies including the current CKM Employee Handbook. Some policies, during your tenure, may be presented to you according to the given situation. It is required of all current CKM Team Members to adhere and abide by these policies. Any and all updates to current policies will be communicated to the team.

Questions? Please reach out to any member of CKM Upper Leadership.

Employee Handbook

STAAPS: Sexual Harassment


STAAPS: Theft & Financial Stewardship

ben white & south mopac

STAAPS: Attendance

Ben White & south mopac

STAAPS: Appearance & Apparel

ben white & south mopac

STAAPS: Safety & Security

ben white & south mopac

Dating Policy

ben white & south mopac

I9 Policy

ben white & south mopac